Friday, May 13, 2011

Porn found in Osama bin Laden's compound.

 First thought... So F'n What!?!?!?

 Second thought... We dispose of this mans body at sea, to follow Muslim traditions and so not to upset or rile any Islamic's. Ok... But now we feel it proper to expose this hypocrite as a "Porn Junkie" and "Closet Freak"? I don't get it. This man killed true Muslims on a mass scale and destroyed peoples lives the world over. Yet, the U.S. government refuses to release pictures of his body and disposes of his remains at sea so nobody can view them. Cause that would be a sign of disrespect.

 This publicity stunt is set in motion to cool peoples tensions over our not being allowed to spit on his grave! I suppose every-time you spit into the ocean, it can sorta count... But no, I wanted to see the Dbl Tap that took him down! I would love to view the autopsy footage, read the report and feel satisfied in the knowledge he is really gone. Will I get the chance, probably not. Oh but guess what, I now have the privilege to know that he stroked it to a lil' Jenna, Gina, Ron and Rocco action! Which by the way is our countries own home grown biggest money making empire ever... AKA Porn! What do I really care what his hidden lust's are? He is no different than any other "religious fanatic" of this world, defying his pious claims... Do I really need to list them? Lonnie Frisbee, Billy James Hargis, Jimmy Swaggart, Jim & Tammy Fae Bakker, Ted Haggard, the list goes on and on... Yes! People sin! They like to play little role reversals and sick little games with each-other when they become popular, notorious and famous!

 Ok, so what have we learned here? Osama had three wives and liked to spank it in seclusion. Lived as a hypocrite amongst his people and followers. Shared a fondness for straight, girl on girl, or perhaps boy on boy, beastiality, S&M, B&D, fisting, pegging, Albino midget amputee and inter-racial submission along with a great majority of the rest of the world... and had a private cache. So? Wait, or... one of his homies hiding out with him had a private stash of "Adult Film" that Osama knew nothing about, just always wondered why Akhmed needed so much lubriderm, "ashy skin" he must have figured, desert climate and all. Maybe! ...Perhaps the end conclusion should be, "Who Gives A Crap!?!?!?" Throw it in a F'n burn pile and get on with pulling our troops of of harms way!!! Who are we, his Mom looking under his bed? I feel as I may speak for a good majority of us when I say...

"Show me the body!!! Not his stash of booty!!!"

Thank You, Goodnight!

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